Extension Management

For the most part it’s assumed that you are running in the command line program for this documentation.

$ vexbot


See Current Commands

vexbot: !commands

See bot commands

vexbot: !commands --remote

See Extensions In Use

vexbot: !extensions

From bot:

vexbot: !extensions --remote

Remove Extensions In Use

Let’s say you’ve the get_cache (shows you your configuration cache) and the cpu_count extensions in use and you’d like to remove them.

vexbot: !remove_extension get_cache cpu_count

Alternatively just removing one:

vexbot: !remove_extension get_cache

See Installed Extensions

Installed extensions are on your path, but not neccesairly attached to anything running currently

vexbot: !get_installed_extensions

This command displays a list of every extension installed with a short doc string on what it does.

For example, the command power_off will be displayed as

‘power_off: Power off a digital ocean droplet’

You can also use a module name to see all the extensions that are provided by that module. vexbot.extensions.subprocess is an installed module for vexbot. To see all the extensions that are provided by that module:

vexbot: !get_installed_modules vexbot.extensions.subprocess

See Installed Modules

There are a lot of installed extensions and it’s hard to figure out what each one does. You can break them up into modules

vexbot: !get_installed_modules

This is helpful because the installed modules can be used with the get_installed_extensions to narrow down what is shown. For example, the every extensions in the module vexbot.extensions.digitalocean can be shown by using the following command:

vexbot: !get_installed_modules vexbot.extensions.digitalocean

Add Extensions

vexbot: !add_extensions get_code delete_cache

To add commands to the robot instance:

vexbot: !add_extensions get_code delete_cache --remote